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Sunday, June 22, 2008

WTF Cohort 16...

And I thought my kids complained too much... Good lord.

I cannot recall complaining so much about how the fellows gets things done (especially so early in the summer - training just started!). People need to learn to take things in stride or they'll crumble in September. It's odd that there are people who threaten to leave the fellows because they don't get what they think is owed to them. Good bye then... This is not the profession for you. Unbelievable.

APPEAL APPEAL APPEAL!!! I'm sick of that concept. I have nobody to appeal things to. I could appeal things to my AP or principal, but they'll just crack a joke about it or something. They'll make a suggestion and maybe look into it at a future time. You guys are fortunate that you have an appeal system, in the real world, there's nobody to appeal to about your little grievances about your class or students. Learn to get things done without the need for appeals... Because you won't have it in September.

Get over yourselves.

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