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Monday, April 26, 2010

Time is Relative

At this point, I emphasize to students that time is relative. That it may seem like the end of the school year is more than 6 weeks away, but there's really not that much time in between now and summer break. With the Regents, Memorial Day weekend, finals week, and presentations of learning that 6 weeks will fly by as if it were 2 or 3 weeks.

Sadly, it has not yet struck that many students that they will not qualify to take the Regents this year since they're missing nearly all of their labs. We have worked extensively to provide after school make-ups and to offer make-ups on weekends. If there's one thing that bugs me is that it won't matter how many times I remind them, they just won't show up until they realize that this is their last chance at graduating.

One student has reportedly resorted to prayer rather than studying (they carry a Bible around rather than a living environment study guide)... I don't know about them, but last time I checked the Bible Jesus didn't take a science Regents. And what good is prayer if you haven't completed enough labs to even sit for the Regents?

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