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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Are you f*cking serious?

Students make up the dumbest excuses. And that's not the worst part. The worst part is they are willing to face the consequences of failure. They may not be happy about it, but they're willing to put up with it if there's no other course of action.

I get excuses from students all the time as to why they are incapable of performing work in my class. I forgot my notebook at home. I don't have a pen or pencil. I don't have anymore paper because you give too much notes. And these are excuses that students use to get themselves out of doing any sort of classwork. AND THEY WONDER WHY THEY FAIL CLASS!!

They need to stop playing the victim all the time. Paper/notebooks and pencils cost less than $5 so there's really no economical stress there. I mean half these kids have cell phones and ipods that I can't afford to have so don't cry me a river that you can't afford to buy your own school supplies. Sell your tote-full of make-up and buy a bunch of binders or something.

These kids aren't afraid of failure. They've faced failure all their lives. What's another class they don't give a damn about going to do in the long run?

I hate when students think that they can get away with anything. What's great is when you drag their parents in and sit down and rant about all the defiant and non-compliant behavior and the lack of submitted work in class. The parents just glare at their kids or one instance, chased their child around the office. I understand that parents now a days are not as educated, but it's still not an acceptable excuse. Sometime the student will change and they'll be good for a good period of time. Other times the student just regresses and you'll never get them back on track.

I just don't understand how these parents lose control of their kids. Who is raising who? It's like the kinds control everything about their parents, even though I know this is not true, I feel like talking to the parents rarely ever gets anything done. I guess they just don't take me seriously since I'm young and to get parenting advice from a teacher in their 20's is not the most flattering.

It's the last possible marking period and they still come up with excuses. These kids learn the hard way, through failure... That's not the way to learn.

Oh well... One of those, "what can you do?" moments.

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