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Monday, December 15, 2008

I sometimes wonder...

It's a bit strange when you listen to what some students say or claim.

"He's hatin on me because he's racist."

"He hates black people."

Yeah, I wouldn't survive 15 minutes in a Bronx school if I were racist.

I sometimes wonder if students who stoop to this sort of defense mechanism are ever truly expecting to succeed in life. Is it really hip to play along with negative stereotypes? Is it really something that your fellow peers look up to when you make such ridiculous statements? Do you actually expect your peers to believe your bullshit?

If the first conclusion you jump to when you encounter resistance is that the person who gets in your way is racist, then you're a complete moron.

It's students like that who reinforce the negative stereotypes that promote the labeling of their "race" as a failure. Rather than dig their way out of these negative stereotypes and perhaps performing above and beyond, they'd rather live up to them or settle in. Mind you this student has probably called every one of his teachers a racist at some point, which could explain why his reading level is still so low - like elementary level (he's supposed to be a junior).

I have little to no respect for students like this because of their attitudes. I can't understand how there's no urgency for students like this to actually make something of themselves. I also find that it's futile to try to teach him anything scientifically meaningful aside from the random fact that they'll forget the next day anyway. To expect him to learn anything that requires any form of rigorous study habits is just impossible.

I hate to admit it, but I don't mind if students like these slip through the educational cracks. I used to think that these students are the ones I kill myself trying to convert back but there's really nothing I can do to get them back on track, especially if the only cry for help he offers is to call me a racist at every opportunity. They're the sole contributor to their own demise. But what I don't appreciate is how they try to bring others down with them or try to get other students who do produce work and who do try down to his level.

It just goes to show how positive role models just aren't enough. Good students are mocked and the failing students constantly cry for attention and take pride in their abysmal grades. They blame the school or their teachers for their repeated failures after numerous second chances.

I feel like a vast majority of students know what they have to do in school to succeed but they're either unwilling or just legitimately lazy or unmotivated.

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