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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fights in school...

I find it absolutely fascinating that when there's a fight that students must horde the hallways and block doorways to see what's going on.

If I were firing a handgun in the hallways, would you be stupid enough to stick your head out to see who's doing it or would you take cover? If you did stick your head out because of your curiosity and got shot, would you blame the shooter or your curiosity? What would they write on your grave stone? "John Dumbass: The epitome of the fatal nature of curiosity."

Students don't understand that by becoming an active spectator of violence between students, you can also be dragged into the violence. And you know what, they get what they deserve. If you're not part of the solution, you are just as likely to become a part of the problem.

If students want to watch a fight, go home and watch pay per view. If you push students out of the way to get a front-row view of two students beat each other without actually stopping the fight then you're a genuine D-bag.

1 comment:

Joe Maloney said...

I think this is one of your best posts. I've had fights erupt because of fights about fights in my classroom. Well-deserved.