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Sunday, January 24, 2010


Regrouped with a couple of other fellows from the same cohort this weekend. Good ole K-town gathering. Trading war stories was definitely therapeutic (I often forget how therapeutic it is).

It's strange how this job affects people in different capacities. The range of difficulties we've seen are vast and it's a testament to the versatility that the job demands.

One fellow teaches at a top 10 school in NYC. I currently teach at the bottom 17th school in NYC.

If there's one good thing that the fellows have provided, it's amazing networking opportunities. Despite the fact that fellows tend to leave after they graduate (good luck guys!), that doesn't change how close some of us have grown.

If you're a fellow or are considering the fellows, make it a priority to network. You never know who you'll run into.

To the cohort 14 crew, thanks. ;)