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Monday, September 19, 2011

Change or DIE!

I hate to use this slogan, which is sort of a twist off of P. Diddy's "Vote or Die" message during the presidential election several years ago (which is actually a reference to some other distant political reference).

Anyway, I love reading Dr. Dutch's postings on various topics revolving around politics, pseudoscience, and irrationalism.  There are times that his writing can be blunt, but it's really necessary to deal with the blatant ignorance of others with an equally blatant approach.

I was most appreciative of his writing about the political atmosphere surrounding Science and the Republican Party.  It really brings out the glaring anti-intellectualism ideals of the party.

Here's a little sample of his writing:
Liberals often promise rainbows and unicorns but don't deliver. One thing you can say about the conservative position on many issues: they are honest. They promise nothing, and deliver. Need help with an unwanted pregnancy? We'll be with you in nine months. No health coverage? That cancer will stop growing eventually.

I have a link posted on the right to his web postings under blogs and websites.


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