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Monday, July 6, 2009

Scopes Revisited... Again...

Some article pulled from an e-mail I received about the NEA and what-not. This link describes the events that took place when scientists visited the Creation Museum in Kentucky.

What is mind boggling to me are the closing sentences of the article:
"More than 750,000 people have visited the museum since it opened. Each day, busloads of children from Christian schools throughout America arrive at the Creation Museum for special guided tours."

Doesn't this prove that religious anecdotes don't belong in science classes? In what way is this museum supporting scientific discovery? How are these conclusions validated through an empirical process? Where's the disclaimer that states that these events have not been scientifically verified?

The responses and reactions of the scientists are understandable. I just can't help but feel totally ashamed of Americans who so viciously defend this ideology without actually comprehending the evidence they so quickly dismiss. They seem to represent a very misinformed portion of the population and it reflects very poorly on us as a nation that used to be the forefront of scientific research... It's places like this "museum" that make America's general public the laughing stock of the international scientific community.

Enjoy this clip, he's really funny...

Here's the first of a series of clips in response to creationism videos posted on YouTube. These are EXPERTS in their respective scientific fields.


Ms. Willis said...

I like your blog. I had a great post and lost it to an error message.

To summarize, the post said... how much I like your blog and why. I share many of ur ideas and that I read most of it instead of doing NYCTF HW tonight. (I will pay for this later.) Keep it up and will post again.

Ms. Willis
09 Science fellow placed in BK

Mr. Dugong said...

Always welcome to the new science fellows. Good luck to you and let me know if you need anything. :)