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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Interesting Hurdles this Year...

  1. Moving around from class to class. I've adapted to using a cart and rolling materials from place to place...
  2. Being hounded by administrators for not posting enough student work on bulletin boards... Because I don't have my own classroom and hence, nowhere to regularly place student work.
  3. Teaching a regular class with a lab bench with a sink in the front of the room. I've taught in labs before but I'm usually roaming around but lecturing in this setting posed a logistical challenge of sorts (since there's a lab bench between the board and the desks). Adjustments have been made in terms of organizing lessons...
  4. Wiki use. Students have been on and off but getting teachers on there has been a challenge. I don't understand the reasoning behind the argument, "I was never trained to use this" if you never raise the question in the first place. Don't complain until after you've attempted some form of professional development.
  5. Team teaching. This is a first for me. It's a completely different dynamic in the sense that now there's two dominant personalities in the class and the students respond to them differently. Not that this surprises me but it poses a logistical challenged in terms of planning, especially for the self-contained classes.
  6. Teaching 3-in-a-row... I mean I've taught back-to-back classes of different subjects before but having a stretch of 3-in-a-row is sort of daunting. I mean there's a quick adjustment curve so modifications from class to class are made pretty quickly but I wish I could spread these sections out so I can catch my breath.

1 comment:

Adelaide said...

I'm in my second year of team teaching (just one section a day) and I'm still working it out. For now the sped teacher has taken more of an assisting role in the classroom. We would like for her to teach on a more regular basis but you're completely right, planning can be tough. Not to mention she feels a lot more comfortable with humanities.

Three in a row, eh? Welcome to my world:) Last year I had two thee-in-a-row days and they were a challenge. This year I got hit with three-in-a-row every single day! After hating it in the beginning, I have learned to really like it because the day flies by, and it's equally as great getting back to back preps! I hope it gets easier for you.